The Watermelon Game, also known as the Suika Game, is a popular physics-based puzzle game where you drop fruits into a container and combine two matching...
The Watermelon Game, also known as the Suika Game, is a popular physics-based puzzle game where you drop fruits into a container and combine two matching fruits to create a larger, more valuable fruit. The ultimate goal is to reach the final fruit, a watermelon, or to last as long as possible before the fruit pile overflows the container.
This game is a mix of 2048 and Tetris, with a unique physics element that adds an extra layer of challenge. The game's simple yet addictive gameplay has made it a popular choice for players of all ages.
You click or tap on the screen (or mouse click for desktop versions) to drop a fruit into the container. The fruit will fall and land in the empty space.
there are many other games developed under Suika Game | Watermelon Game, let's try them out