Talis and Fruits is a captivating match-3 puzzle game that transports you to a lush jungle inhabited by a mischievous family of monkeys. Embark on a quest...
Talis and Fruits is a captivating match-3 puzzle game that transports you to a lush jungle inhabited by a mischievous family of monkeys. Embark on a quest to help these playful primates defend themselves against an onslaught of mischievous fruits by strategically matching them into oblivion.
Talis and Fruits is a visual delight, with its colorful fruit icons and lush jungle backdrop creating a vibrant and inviting atmosphere. The game's simple yet addictive gameplay is easy to grasp, making it accessible to players of all ages and skill levels.
As you progress through the game's levels, the challenges intensify, demanding quick thinking and strategic planning. Combine at least three similar fruits to make them disappear, and watch as the monkeys cheer in delight.
With each level you conquer, you'll unlock new challenges, power-ups, and adorable monkey characters. The game's charming soundtrack and rewarding gameplay will keep you entertained for hours on end.
Talis and Fruits is more than just a puzzle game; it's an invitation to enter a world of fun, friendship, and adventure. Join the mischievous monkeys on their journey, and let the magic of Talis and Fruits transport you to a place where smiles are endless and puzzles are plentiful.
Using Mouse and Keyboard
there are many other games developed under Suika Game | Watermelon Game, let's try them out