Suika Game Original, also known as Watermelon Game, is a physics-based puzzle game that gained popularity in 2021. The game is simple yet challenging...
Suika Game Original, also known as Watermelon Game, is a physics-based puzzle game that gained popularity in 2021. The game is simple yet challenging, and it has been praised for its addictive gameplay and unique mechanics.
The goal of Suika Game Original is to stack fruit together to create larger pieces of fruit. The larger the fruit, the more points you score. However, you must be careful not to let the fruit fall off the screen, or you will lose points.
The game uses physics to make it more challenging. The fruit will bounce and fall realistically, so you must plan your moves carefully. You can also use power-ups to help you clear the screen of fruit.
Suika Game has been praised for its addictive gameplay and unique mechanics. The game has also been criticized for its difficulty, but many players find this to be part of its appeal.
Using Mouse
there are many other games developed under Suika Game | Watermelon Game, let's try them out